Friday, November 2

GB = Graduation + Birthday

Hello November! Nice to meet you. ^^ 
I know I'm totally late for an October post. But still, I wanna mention two highlights of what and how October went (in a nutshell). I will go briefly specifically.(i just tend to be a lengthy writer at times.)

1. Graduation.
   - 3 years of being a biotech undergraduate
   - Having the opportunity to officially graduate feels awesome. I couldn't believe how the years have passed    by so fast!
   - I love my family. =) I hope I made them proud.
How u spell Family = Father and mother, i love you. =)

2. Birthday
   - So, I haven't really decided how to celebrate my birthday this year actually. My parents decided to 'makan2' at home in conjunction of both success (age and scroll). A big one. I thought not many are coming but it turns out mannnyy. Families... And I'm so grateful to have most church members came that night. One family in Christ, indeed. =)
   - Later on,the night before the day, i went out with my high school besties. There were 5 of us (wish Gloria could join us!) and 3 of us planned a surprise for 2 of us (me & Geraldine). Our birthdays were just 3 days apart.. It was a lovely surprise in Bali Bali Garden. Thanks for the gift! ^^ The waitress came out with the cake after we are done with dinner. Along with the band singing a Happy Birthday song. I just didn't expect they would surprise me in such a public way. haha! 
From left: Ellie, Eca, Geraldine, me & Mel

Eca: my childhood friend, neighbour, teman satu bas skolah, teman main masak2 masa kici (masak Maggie sampai kering tu air. haha!), classmate, schoolmate, ketawa-mate and bestmate. 
Mel: pengawas yg nampak garang, classmate, schoolmate, gengkaras-mate and bestmate.
Ellie: teman seperjuangan di zaman kegemilangan/zaman keremajaan, fashionista (you really have to give me credit on this. haha), classmate, encouraging-mate and bestmate.
Geraldine: Pustakawan paling kiut time highschool, classmate, geng karas-mate, Uni mate (We graduated in UMS at the same time) and bestmate.
Thank you so much! Words can't describe it. And sometimes my actions may not describe it too. But I truly am blessed to have you girls! *groupie hugs* =)
   - One church leader happened to be there with his family at that time. So I cut some cakes for them as well. He is also watching the whole surprise thingy going on. Hohohoh.. 
   - So anyway, after that my friends dared me to sing on stage with the band. I thought of it lightly at first but then thought, Why Not? So I did. As an appreciation of what they have done, I sang LOVE by Frank Sinatra. The band was awesome. We had great time. ^^ We hit Party Play later on for desserts (choc fondant! #yumness)
   - On the night of the real day, I went out with my Uni friends. There, again, I had a second surprise! I thought there was no cake or whatsoever, since we did a surprise a week ago for Sue. When I first arrived at the scene, they were singing me birthday song, so i thought there might be a cake prepared. But there isn't any! Then Acho pulled out his SG Tab and open a candle application. Yessss...that's what you thought it is. I am supposed to blow a digital candle. How impressive is that? XD It did blowed out like a normal candle though. Without the heat and smoke, of course. haha! 
   -While we were talking and chit chatting as we wait for our meals, Acho and Sue came with this cake that came out from nowhere (well, actually, its from my left side XD) and they were singing birthday song to me again (for the second time of the night!)
   -  I laughed my heart out that night. Thanks for the humor. I love the big orange card without pictures on it! Especially the music notes. Pretty! =)
(left) me, Sue, Acho - (right) Mc, Annas, Kenny

Oyoe was the funniest that night without even intending to be funny. Owh! Dan photographer berjaya! Ko break record gambar2 yg diambil sebelum ini. XD
Kenny, as always, the organizer and main planner. (After all, we were partner in crime a week ago. hehe..)
Annas, the cheerful one. Always with the smile and gentleness. tapi beware...garagas mati kopio oi.. :p hehe..
Sue, ko la paling macam Mama2 tapi paling innocent. Tapi, ko juga la partner in crime ni kali. haha. 
Acho, thank you sebab susah2 bwa tu kek dri kadai. haha. And also sbab jaga kawan sia bagus2..hehehe.. 
Mc, thank you sbab sudi turun n celebrate with us!  X sia2 ko dtg, byk mknan dan hiburan yg menyenangkan hati. hohoho.. Plus, jumpa teman sebangsa ko lagi tu (trus kami jadi blur =.=")!

In a nutshell, Thank you, uri chinggu ya! Posting this post is what I can do to show my gratitude (again!). 
God bless y'all! My sincere prayer is that let the friendship sustain through eternity! =)

Be blessed,

Thursday, October 11

Satisfied single

Its been more than a year now. Well here I am. Still breathing. THANK U LORD!

Past relationship has taught me a lot. And somehow affected me as well.

I don't know but it seems harder now than then. To trust especially. Super hard.

Friends and family have asked me that question. Sometimes I'm tired of it so i answered shortly.
Well, this is not the time for any relationship. I know that perfectly. 
The scripture even said there is a time for everything, right?

But you know, I am already in love. ;)

Isn't it awesome to be content, secured, happy and loved by Jesus? 
You might say, "Owh shush..There u go again about that.. We all know that already.."
Well, stop me if u can but its my blog, so my rule? 
If you're in love with someone, wouldn't you express it to your friends?
If you're married, would you only say the 3 words once during your marriage and that's it?
If yes, my sincere condolence concern to you. (have a self-inventory, would ya?)
If no, then we're on the same boat! 

A satisfied single, as my post's title reads. And yes, its a fact. =)

Blessings! ^^

Friday, September 28

Doaku (A song for the nation)

DOAKU (Original singer: Ariffin G.)

Ku datang padaMu
Sujud dihadapanMu
Betapa kurindu
Diam dihadiratMu

Kau yang mulia
Datang ditempat ini
Penuhi setiap jiwa
Yang rindu jamahanMu

Ini doaku untuk neg'riku
Pulihkanlah, kembalikan pada kami
Ku berlutut dihadapanMu
Pulihkanlah bangsa kami
Saat ini

Ku menyembah, Nama Yesus
Bertaktahlah disini Kaulah Raja

p.s.- Sorry klu sound x brapa clear ya...  :)

Be blessed, sis! :)

Friday, September 21

What's next? a question I've been questioning God since.

"Wait on Him. Wait on His voice."

Its been a pretty amazing days, these past few days, I felt the fear of the Lord is awakening like never before. Never had I felt so scared with what's coming. We had couple of prayer meetings few days back and I remember just crying out and prayer in tears. You know why? Here is what I'm about to share. 

While listening to Pastors's message in church, one of the intercessors hand me over the programme book for 16Sept'12 morning service. Yes, the one with Eagle and Lion on the cover. She said to me "Keep this. 50 years later we won't be able to witness this anymore." Of course, she said it casually. I laughed lightly as well. But something strikes within me deeply. I don't know what is it. I was just fearful. How is it gonna be 50 years later? Its a long way to go but that's what I was thinking at that moment. 

The next thing I knew, the burden came from IDontKnowWhere. I was crying out for the younger generations. How many out there are God fearing? I don't know. But I'm positive there is! 

My fear is that we're gonna burn passionately but only for some time and then the disease of being lukewarm will come and infect us. 
My fear is that we'll lose our patience in the process of waiting on God's voice and act on our own. Too many of 'actions' but less of 'praying'.

I committed everything to the LORD. No matter what people might say, let Him lead the way and just follow Him, shall we?
Prophet Jeremiah was spreading God's word to the people, but they don't listen.
A list of prophets came after that and not all hear them out and obey. There is a 400 years of silence before the times New testament starts. Not even one prophet. There must be a reason for that. Let's set our focus right, made right with God and start to care for the younger generations.

Let's pray for the strength to be patient and wait upon the LORD.
Let's keep on praying and crying out for the younger generations, the current generation, the body of Christ, the country, more revelation from above and let's walk hand in hand until we experience breakthrough and beyond, that reaches to the ends of this earth!

Be blessed!

A day to bless Malaysia!

Last sunday, 16 September 2012, the whole body of Christ in KK and beyond witnessed and celebrated Malaysia Day together in two big, significant venues - Padang Merdeka & Stadium Likas.
Different venues with the same purpose - A day to bless Malaysia! =)

The morning service starts at 8AM in Padang M.
The praise & worship team, all dressed in their respective traditional attires, led the congregation into deep worship. A very meaningful, solemn morning service I would say. Because exactly 8AM, 49 years ago (16 September 1963), a very meaningful, solemn event has taken place in the same venue.
It was a very touching moment when Pastor Jerry prayed for the land and ask God for forgiveness for our past leaders. I thought I was the only one who got emotional on that. It turns out most of the others felt the same thing! And with so many young people who came and join together in prayer, worship and sitting under the hot burning sun was delightful as well. We even took the Lord's supper together at the end of the service! 
Watching the native leaders to take the lead and made strong, firm declarations of God's words upon the land and the people (everyone!) moved me into thinking - "This is gonna be historical. And we're all watching history in the making." 

Heaven watched. Angels watched. It was awesome! 

(Photos courtesy of IterDesly)
(Photo courtesy of Pastor Halbert)

The evening celebration was joyful and awesome as well! Energetic and passionate worship team. Tambouriners. Banner bearers. Flag bearers. Drummers. Shofarers. God is moving people!!
We had a scary weather the night before and we had some disturbances technically. But praise God! He is able to do all things! We had a great night of celebration and fireworks. =)
Witnessing different churches joining in together is simply amazing...! 

Over 10,000 people came. And I'm sure everyone is blessed to be a blessing.
All glory to God. Forever and ever. Amen.

At Stadium Likas
(Photo courtesy of SN)

Ian & Elda

The wedding ceremony has taken place in Maranatha church more than a week ago.
I hadn't got the time to blog about this up 'till now and here I go about their BIG day!

Congratulation to Mr and Mrs Ian & Elda on their wedding day (8sept2012) !!
I am sincerely happy for you guys. ^^
I've known her since forever. She's one of my closest cousin, sister and bestfriend. We shared things together, stories, secrets, food (it depends), accessories, clothing (erm no, not really), car (i drove hers and she, well, don't drive mine. hehe!) and etc. I love going to her house and play when we were small. She was the quiet type during those times but playful as well (remember Datuk Harimau??;)). I recall back when I was celebrating my birthday in my house, she had this really really short hair and skinny back then!

All the ups and downs, tears and laughters... 
It has been a long way down the memory lane.
Now she's married! To Ian the man! =)
I have to say that their wedding is the best wedding I've ever witnessed. I was already tearing up when she was handed over. I guess I was very happy for her. 
I love the ceremony. I love the atmosphere. I love the meaningful vows they've spoken to one another. Its like, heaven stopped, and everyone is watching them. I know God has blessed them. =)
And the wedding is exactly like how I imagined a wedding should be. 
Schoolmates. Now turned husband and wife. Talking about destiny huh. ;)
Here goes the pictures. (Courtesy of Jofanna Bridal.)

Congratulation again guys!


Monday, August 27

Humility (Part 1)

Without humility, you can't see God/ hear God/ feel God. 
When your pride is getting the best of you, you are on your way to deceiving yourself. 

You wondered why you feel weak and not progressive.
You wondered what went wrong.
You wondered what makes you so oblivious and "duh".

Pride is the answer.
Whether its subtly hidden or loudly expressed, it is pride.
Pride is attitude of thinking we can do without Christ.

Humility is so important in our lives, especially to those who were made alive in Christ. Those who are in ministry, humble yourselves before the Lord. Do not boast, do not be proud, give the glory to God. 

Do not wait until the Lord Himself humble you down. Check your heart and pray to God with fear of the Lord. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Jesus is humble. He's our greatest example. Let's learn from Him. ^^

Monday, August 6


Deb’s friends from KL, Lyd and Wai Yan, is in Sabah for holiday so Deb brought them to places around KK today. I tagged along since they plan for a tour in UMS. So, being a UMS student (I am still legally a student yah.tengkiu). I proudly showed them the beach  a.k.a. ODEC next to the marine research institute. I must admit, though, that it is my first time being there as well. Let me repeat that. My FIRST time being in ODEC. Yes, I know I know…

We went to the crocodile farm in Tuaran after that. Its my second time there (3rd time in a crocodile farm, to be precise). The coolest moment is Wai Yan feeding the chicken meat to the crocs. We were excited to see them fight or even move a bit (crocodiles are very lazy reptiles in terms movement). No wonder they’ve gotten fat, dirty, stinks and scary. But no, no crocs fight for today, they were just anxious waiting for food. Seeing the crocs move somehow thrilled us. An applaud goes to Lyd for not hiding behind Deb’s back. I understand how you felt as I did with you-know-what. ;)

We headed to Lokan bakar and oh boy, it was very ‘zelicious’. Filled with Lokan and kelapa pudding, we watched the sun set peacefully. I THANK GOD I get to see the sunset. I mean, really! I love to watch sunset and to be blown away by its beauty.

“A sunset on this side is another sunrise 
on the other side of the globe.”

This was one of the thought that popped up in my mind as I watch it sinks in. I tell you, I am always amazed at the art of how fast the sun set, how beautiful it can be, how the colors of the clouds reflected from the sunlight blends in together and create such a beautiful, serene scenery (ok, I’m getting poetic here. Gah.)

-peace out- 

Saturday, July 7

Movie night with the kids

Tonight is one of those nights where I get the chance to bring my nieces and nephews to the cinema. 

Oh boy, they were really excited. And I mean reeeaaalllyyy exxxciiiiteeed... I went to Kolops to pick them up around 7PM (The movie starts at 7.20PM but i already bought all tickets hours earlier) and the moment they saw my car light, they were jumping in the air, shouting with joy. It was dark but i can see clearly their jumps and shouts. Haha. Cute. The moment they got into the car, they were all talking about what to expect and what to do in the cinema. On the way to our destination, Phoebe and I explained to them about rules, the dos and don'ts in cinema. They were excited to obey too! They were telling each other to listen to us and behave well. The laughing and talking doesn't stop until we entered the cinema hall. The excitement of the children is really something you know. I mean, I don't show such excitement going to cinema but boyyy, they are really looking forward to it! :)

We watched "Brave" and its really a nice movie. I would rate it 4.5/5. Its one of the movies I would suggest for children and families and everyone to watch it. The kids enjoyed it. :) I'm glad we watched it together.

No wonder God says how important it is to be like children (not childish!) in order to enter His kingdom. 

Jesus loves the little children...

Children sees things differently and they are very passionate. Things that are normal to us, are extraordinary to them! They are dependent, while we, sometimes can be self-dependent! And most important of all, children do not doubt. Once they trust someone, they would trust them to the fullest!

Be blessed!


Monday, July 2

Iron sharpens Iron

During my first year in campus, I remember waiting for Sue, Kenny and Oyoe to finish class on every Friday and heads off to Glory Place to fellowship together. If one of us is still having class, the rest of us would go to the Piano room while waiting. We would sing and chit chat and laugh and sing some more…

I remember the times in Glory Place where the four of us just pray and worship together, sharing the Word and simply fellowship without any agenda prepared, just hearts seeking God more and more. We would advise one another, pray for one another, intercede, build and even correct one another. It doesn't matter what is our church background because we serve the same God. And trust me, God definitely wouldn't ask about it during judgement. 

After all the busyness in Uni life, minus everything, thinking back of those moments (and others not mentioned here) I am very blessed to have such friends in Christ. J As time goes by, I know we would head for different paths but I know one thing: friendship in Christ would last forever. 

Yet, my bestfriend ever would still be Jesus. He’s the best. Ever. Ever heard of Him? He’s there every second of my life. He can hear my deepest thought although I tried to hide it from everyone. My every doubts and uncertainties are calmed by His reassuring Word of truth. My ugliest secret? He knew it. But He never avoid me, but came to my rescue when I call on His name. My weakness? …is my strength because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens when I am weak. How amazing it is to have such friend! ^^

My point of blogging this post?
Well, the bottom line is that - precious friends may come and go or stay and go. But we should not take lightly of our eternal friend and King and Saviour because He come and stay with us forever. :)

Be blessed!

Thursday, June 21

Awesome God!

After all the things happened, after every activity, every joy, every problem, every pain, every memory...
After all these ups and downs, it all comes back to the basic question - Do I live as how He would want me to?

Life, had been very much crazy these past few months. Busyness is a word I used to like but not anymore. It took away some part of me that I didn't realize had been gone. I remember when there are times, through all the busyness, I just couldn't stand it and broke off calling out for Him. I don't know how i could express it here but that's just what i felt. Life makes no sense without Him. I guess this is a season in my life that I am learning to draw closer and learn to live His way. This is the 4th year since I first accepted Christ genuinely and seriously. It felt like yesterday when it all happened. :)

Remember how we think of our first love and how the early moments of our relationship goes? All the unforgettable moments we shared together? Exactly. Thinking back those first moments with Him just makes me smile. Maybe it sounds crazy. Well, instead of thinking whether its crazy or not, I think time is just enough for us all to live life the right way, aren't we?

Friends may come and go... Family is a GREAT blessing but it is only temporary... Career may be obtained and ends... Money can be acquired and spent until the last coin... But there is just ''one'' that is eternal. And when I say eternal, it reeeaaalllyyy means ETERNAL. No no no, this is not the fairytale-definition-kinda-way of ''eternal''. It is indeed eternal in a sense that it will last forever, even after I(we) die. God's promise in John 3:16... that is our hope for eternity, that we will live and reign with Him foreverrrrr!! (Wow, just thinking of it makes me glimpse eternity... How cool is that huh?)

Indeed, we have an awesome God!
I love U, Jesus. ^^

Tuesday, June 12

Wake up emo boys!

Boys! If u like a girl but if she tells u ~ be friends ~ STOP HARASSING HER! control yr emotions! Dun use the stupid emotional blackmail tactic.

Coz in reality, u dun really love her - u actually only love your SELF! U only wan her for your own selfish self! 

Coz if u truly love her, u wan the best for her. And that means, u shd want her to focus on her studies and not on u! 

if she loves someone else, then u shd be happy for her - coz if u love her, u wan her to be happy with the person that she is happy with.

if u are angry, then it means that u r NOT wanting the best for her! But u wan the feeling for yourself - and that’s not agape love! U r not in love with her – U r in love with your own happiness!

That’s why yr parents, your church leaders, and yr more mature friends tell u – BACK OFF! – This is not the time to pursue romantic love coz u are not ready to handle it! Its too powerful for u and it will affect yr studies and other people’s studies and future.

If u dun care – then it just shows how immature you are – and how much u love yr own feelings and not the girl. U DUN DESERVE TO FALL IN LOVE.

purely copied and pasted from ps. Ong (Facebook).
Totally agree with this one!! agree? :) Angry? Deal with it coz that's a sign that what this post says is true for youuu... Being angry/offensed won't help much. Be set free from it!

Friday, April 13

So here's what's going on.

Hola! Greetings from my laptop. haha. Anyhow, here's my toy story (nope, i mean my story). Ok, scratch that, its the coffee effect.

Last saturday Salley, Putri, Mere and I went for a trip to KL. It was my 1st time traveling far with friends and without my parents. We all had fun and i would surely remember it as one of my best trips ever. :D

Apart from shopping, window shopping, etc... I also had a chance to meet up and dine with friends during Tcamp and also met Debbie! Gah, i miss her a lottt.. Too bad her sem break almost ended when I came there. So we didn't have much time to have "that" talk. Not gossiping, of course (if that's what u're thinking!). It was almost 3 hours past midnight when Lyd and Deb picked me up at KL sentral and i really appreciate it! *Thanks* ^^ I went to church together with Deb during Easter and met her friends as well. What can I say, they are all warm and welcoming... :) Lyd, Hannah, Phil, Jun, Adrian... its nice meeting u guys! It was also there and then that I first knew that Briyani rice was an Indian cuisine. (i know..i know.. but at least now i know.. hah.)

Me, Deb & Jun

Us and Rex

After staying with Debbie, I joined my friends the next day. We went 'kai2' ['jalan2' in colloquial Chinese language] around Bukit Bintang and also walked to KLCC. We had fun at Aquaria and even had ourselves a non-permanent tattoo on our back (it only stays there for like, 3 days). A lot and a lot of taking pictures as well! #SStime On the final night we stayed in Shah Alam and I got a chance of having a tour around (yes, I mean 'around'...) Shah Alam. Thanks to Abigail and Ps. Perry for the hospitality! I will definitely NOT forgot the U-turn that cost RM10 (WHAT???). Sabah doesn't have such a thing. Hehehe... But anyway, S.A. is far more spacious and serene (a lil' bit la..) compared to KL. :) We went to Sunway on the last day and bought few more things and heads off to the airport. #bye2KL

*Fast forward*

Today (after the trip) is one of the days where I could get up late and relax while spend time at home. It feels good you know... especially when there are many things happening around you and you finally got a time to just rest and have most time at home (in a day!). Around evening, I went to campus (lab, to be specific) and ferment some microbes for tomorrow's lab work. I picked up mom from her workplace and we went for Bakuteh in Kepayan. I normally do not like to go restaurant that I'm not familiar with (especially when u're hungry) but we decided to try it out. It tastes OK la.. We had our mom and daughter talk (and yes, that includes relationship, thank u...). She was so funny when we talk about the future. I doubt if I would marry if i were to follow her standards (OK, hahaha.). Yet it does feels good when you talk such a matter especially with ur mom. :) #MomKnowsBest

Proudest moment of today: Paying the bill for our Bakuteh. ^^

Well, that's about it. Although its a bit lame but I'm still gonna say it... Peace out~

Saturday, April 7

New hair color.

Decided to put on a new colour from Liese (Correct pronunciation: Lee -Sé). The color is "sweet pink", as you can see from the box. But it doesn't turns out to be pink, as you can see in the photo.

Elda, Me & the new colour and Phoebe :)

Blessed Good Friday!

You know Good Friday doesn't mean that friday is good, right? Here I am, after a long time of silence in this blog, just wanna share about what God's goodness. Not only on friday, but everyday...

Busyness. its a word not all people likes. I am one of them. But like it or not, I am bound to finish my lab work ASAP. So, the night before friday i went to lab and work there overnight. As i was driving to campus that evening, I was talking to God casually, speaking in tongue and just talk, in other words - pray. I was reflecting on what He has done on the cross 2012 years back. As i was praying, i realized how much i miss Him. thinking back, my life had been so busy. I truly misses Him.

When i finished my work in lab at 7AM (Yes, a sleepless night indeed), i went home and had only a nap. Then, we went to church for Good Friday service at 10AM. We are all fasting and praying on that day. In the beginning, i wasn't feeling that sleepy. But when it comes to afternoon, it seems almost automatically that my eyes shuts down itself. It was after a testimony that i felt my spirit began to stir slowly. Pastor realized many people are sleepy during that time and she said Do not sleep but try to activate your spirit! I was very sleepy at that moment. Very2 sleepy. I try to ignore my tiredness but i just couldn't help it. But slowly, one at a time, my spirit was being stirred without me realizing it. When we worship that afternoon, i remember myself just giving thanks for Jesus' blood. But as i keep on repeating and giving thanks, something took over me. I felt its as if my SOUL is giving thanks to Him in a great manner. I was overwhelmed! I quickly took a tambourine and began to shake it. As we go more into the worship atmosphere, very quickly, my sleepiness seemed to subside for the time being and i felt my innerman craving for more and more of Him. God is awesome!!

That is why I am a strong believer in God Almighty. (Okay now she's preaching u might say but can u help it if u're in looove with someone? U must tell ur friends or wait, tell the world, right? Now same to this case of mine.) As problems come and as people come and go, guess what, God is faithful. It is just His nature and nothing can beat that. Not even a boyfriend or a husband or a bestfriend. How i wish people could realize that and began to see Him through the problems. God is awesome. What I experienced yesterday only brought me closer to Him.

I hope what I'm sharing here is clear. When my sleepiness was stronger than my desire to worship Him that afternoon, I slowly come to Him JUST AS I AM. As i give thanks to Him, I was only speaking it out but my mind still in a state of exhaustion. However, when i press on (Yes, press on), something happened. My mind and thoughts were brought to captives to the mind of Christ! And as evening comes, I was soaked with gratitude. The cross. His blood. His love for us all. :)

God bless and be blessed!

Wednesday, February 15

I am in love. Period.

I had a great time recently in my prayer time. God has been faithful. There are so many things that He revealed to me. And i am so so SO much grateful. Indeed, i am in love with Jesus more than before. My life couldnt've been better without Him. 

Having Him in my life feels just... hmm..awesome... :)

Today is valentine's day. There are people who celebrate this day. Some don't. Some people even argued regarding this day. As for me, i have no feeling at all. It didn't bother me if i celebrate it or not...since i am already in love every day with Him. ^^ There's a verse in Scripture that says "I (God) have loved you with an everlasting love." What a wonderful statement! 

Here's a song that express how my heart overflows right now. Peace. Secured. Loved. And i believe there is more than life... It's a song sang by Kari Jobe called "I'm in Love With You". Be blessed. :)

Can I sing You a song 
Can I pour out my heart 
To say Your love is healing me 
Just a glimpse of Your grace 
And my whole world is changed 
Forever and completely 

I’m in love with You 
I’m in love with You 
I’m in love with You 
I’m in love with You 

Redeemed, made whole 
By the love that You have poured out over my soul 
Restored, I am made new 
Father You only You

Friday, February 10

The Lord protects.

Last Sunday night, the four of us went to watch movie. The earlier show was full already. So we grab the next one, which starts a bit late (Actually more than a bit). By the time the movie ended, it was passed midnight. We headed straight home after that. Here's what happen...

On the way back from Suria, as we are approaching the traffic light in front of All Saints church (the car is moving at normal speed), we all heard a sharp sound far behind us. Few seconds later, (at high speed) , a mini van just hit the side of our car, sliding all along it including breaking off the side mirror and ran off just like that. We all had the shock. I know I do. Very shocked indeed, because the crash aimed directly at where i sat [behind the passenger sit]. (What puzzles me is that, I totally didn't let out any scream.) I was resting my head near to the door and when the van crash the side of the car, I bolted and Debbie (shocked, too) quickly grabbed and hugged me tightly.

Totally shocked and speechless, I found myself praying for all of us, part of me are mad at the mini van's driver. "He must've been drunk", I thought. Which turns out true when we came across the mini van (now driving slowly but was NOT driving straight). We didn't plan to search for the van, yet we were glad we out it. The driver is totally, TOTALLY drunk. But he tried his best to apologize and pay back what had been damaged.

A part of me was angry because the way he drive earlier could've harmed lives. Part of me was shocked. I was physically trembling from the experience and especially thinking back the sound and impact I had earlier. "I could almost die", thinking back then. Part of me, however, pitied the van driver. He was messed up and he looked young. His friend who was with him in the van explained to us that they were from a pub and she don't know how to drive so all she could do was accompany him while he is driving. Bad decision. He should've called his friend or family to pick him up at the pub. Debbie let out a shout/scold to the lady about being drunk and still driving. Anyhow, it was sad to see drunk people. Not only they are not themselves, they are causing unwanted troubles, be it car accidents or anything in the list.

After all of us got home, I couldn't really sleep. I prayed and couldn't stop thanking the Lord for the protection upon us. Though some might call it 'luck', for me its not. I know we are all under His protection. Thank You, Lord. I also called a friend of mine, telling the story again to relief myself. If ever my friends or families would be drunk and still wanna drive, after all advises failed, my last choice would be to knock him off in the head or anywhere OR throw a pail of ice cold water at him to wake him up. (Okay, urm, that's mean of me. :-s )

How I thank Him for what He's done! The Lord protects those under His covering. So dwell in Him always, surrender every situation into His hand and He will direct you to the best destination.

Be blessed,

Thursday, February 2


Thank U Lord for this day... Going to the island is really a good thing if u wanna have a total relax/fun time, away from the business of city and life. And its more precious when you're going with your loved ones.

If you're wondering why I love being on island and why i like posting such a thing, its because I am just simply loving it and sharing it won't bite, no? ;-)

We were indecisive whether its going to island or Karambunai, since the news reported that the weather is not safe. However, due to our motivation and the surprisingly sunny weather, we decided to head off to JP and ask if its safe to go. Eventually, we went there to the counter and the next thing we know (without asking if its safe or not) we paid the fees and we go~! :D
My nephew Joha was with us too. Its his first time going to the island (he didn't even know what an island is at first). When i first asked him where are we going, he thought we are going to the swimming pool or rather, "Kulam". cute..

Fast forward...

Had a great time at Mamutik! Went snorkelling with Debbie but I didn't go too far coz for goodness sake, Bleached corals are everywhere! And my feets are hurting from stepping on them. And its not much too see either. Apart from bleached corals, there are tiny, nice, identical fishes as well. It was GOOOOD just being in the water though. And we had a good time scrubbing ourselved with the sands near the sea. After 'em off, our skins feel super soft and clean. (The wonders of sandbeach huh. Excluding Tanjung Aru's sands. Those are, like, potential danger to the skin.)

Went back around 2PM and since its so hot, we grab some Veda ice-creams. Tastes so good~ yum yum... Took a group photo of us using timer and so, here it is...

Monday, January 30

Be reminded that...

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Humility & Fear of the Lord.

Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

The Way, the Truth & the Life.

Pray without ceasing.

Meditate on God's Words.

The Truth will set us free.

Watch and pray.

Be still and know that He is Lord.

Last but not least, 

Be prepared!

Keep your hands clean and your cloth white!

Wednesday, January 18

Final holiday...

I call it my final holiday since next semester would be the final sem I will be facing. (time flies so fast~!)
But still, this holiday I would be going quite often to the lab to finish off my lab work for my thesis.

Debbie is coming back from KL tomorrow! Yeah~ can't wait! Although we had some plans, I'm just not gonna focus on them. Normally when you plan a lot on something, it would normally not go as planned. So imma just keep it low and casual. But ya, I'm excited! haha..

This holiday I'm planning on NOT going out as often as the holiday before. Just feel like spending time more at home and have quality moments with the family... Coz when semester starts, it would be like - packed schedule and more things to focus on. And also I'll be starting my internship in July 'till September. (praying that I'll get the right place to intern ^^).

This year is exciting for me. I would describe this year as - Exciting, clear, but uncertain. Coz still, its a journey of faith. I know God is leading me and I'm gonna believe in Him. Amen. =)

So that's about it.

Be blessed!

Friday, January 13

T-camp Tambunan 2011

9-11 December
Venue: SIB Pekan, Tambunan.

Photo courtesy: Vievia Viavie

....... Since camp ended, I haven't got the REAL time to relax and just blog about the camp. Only "now", i got the time and chance to write this blog down. :) (This post is quite lengthy but anyway, happy + blessed reading!)

On the 9th, after my lab session finished around 4PM, we headed for Sis Ju's house before departing to Tambunan for the camp. I really THANK GOD that our lab finished sooner than what i'd expected. We reached there just in time for the night open service to start. The camp was great! I believe everyone was blessed and God has been so good all along the camp. A good place to stay, delicious food (the cook was really good! and i'm quite an eater.) and new sisters and brothers in Christ that I came to know too! I was having great flu a week before the camp and again, thank God, my flu was subsiding by the time camp start. 

Here's the things that we all learned (information) from the camp that motivates us to be who God wants us to be (transformation)... And as usual, imma write it in numbering form for easy reading. :)

1. What happen when Jesus is here? (Mark 2:1-12)
Because Jesus is here, we have the Word of God with us. We always receive His words. THAT is much more of a big deal than witnessing or experiencing miracles. Miracles are temporary while God's Word never ceases. Nothing can beat God' promise. 2011 years ago Jesus proclaimed the gospel and guess what? He's still doing it now! Why? Because HE is with us (Did someone just said Emanuel?)
So yes, God is with us. Question is, why is that sometimes we are acting like He is not with us?

Verse 3: It describes 4 friends who helped their sick friend to meet Jesus for healing. We, Christians, have to be like the 4 friends and NOT the other way round. Christians nowadays are focusing soooo much on people's or their friend's differences and not their needs of knowing Christ. (their religion backgrounds, which denominations, and the list goes on...) We shouldn't be doing that. Don't build barriers. Build bridges. Because the differences and other stuffs doesn't really matter since the most important thing is that, Jesus is there.

Two is better than one. There are many believers who are anti-social. They prefer the idea of being alone rather than mixing with people. Yet, in some cases, they like to see people who are active in church. For example, a young man who are anti-social likes to see active young ladies in church. They will grab such active people by hooking up with them or dating or etc. But not only this, they will ask the girl to be like them as well, who are anti-social. Another example, guy who is a believer but often finds himself angry or jealous or uncomfortable when seeing his partner being friendly or ministering actively. (the root for this example probably due to insecurity or possessive characteristic. So watch yourself out.) Furthermore, marriage shouldn't be with such a people. Both partners should be complementing each other, not canceling each other out. They should not be a stumbling block when it comes to ministry and even with your relationship with God.

Verse 5: This verse shows that when Jesus is there, the critics or religious people will also follow closely behind. Simply don't give up when you get offended because God is with us. The critics may be even from the church leaders. But don't be discouraged. Don't be too sensitive. In ministry, there must be people who's gonna bad-mouth about you. But don't worry, God is with us!

Verse 10: It says that Jesus has the authority to forgive our sins. 
When we are already forgiven, we will celebrate it with singing and dancing. People who don't express their joy (e.g. church service) don't feel that they are sinful enough to confess and think that they are not worthy enough to go to hell. Arrogance.
We believers sing and dance for Him. No other reason but Jesus. Many people spend a lot of $money$ to cleanse their sins (e.g. rituals, holy places/lands). But in the reality: Only Jesus can forgive us. If we always realize that we, the unworthy, are forgiven by God, we will always celebrate it!

2. True worship (Matthew 2)
True worshippers are not passive but active. The journey of the wise men to meet baby Jesus in Bethlehem takes about 2 years. These wise men came to find baby Jesus only to worship Him, because they know Jesus is the Messiah.Truw worship experience extraordinary experiences. True worshipper who worship in Spirit and in truth will not sit around and wait. He/she will be active, not spoon-fed.
Verse 2: The wise men were asking around about the birth of King of Jews until the whole Jerusalem knew about their question.

Change of the heart is essential in true worship. A true worshipper realise who he is. One who only knows God's words but doesn't execute them will only be deceiving himself, like the Pharisees.

3. God is love but love is not God (1 Kor 14:1-5)
A person filled with God's love always think about how he/she can give. A mature believer learns how to love and how to forgive. Believers who has spiritual strength (kekuatan rohani), is able to forgive eventhough they are persecuted even 'till death. True love is willing to take the first step of openess (keterbukaan) in order to forgive and to give. Learn to love, bless and pray for your parents. When we strive to learn and seek God's love, we will have the chance to bless people!

4. The vine and the branches (Yohanes 15:1-8)
Don't do things that doesn't bear any fruits (spiritually) or results. Every branches that bears no fruit will be cut off by God Himself.
There are 3 stages of growth: Fruitless --> Bears fruit --> Fruitful
There are a lot of people who are like accesories (anting-anting), not the fruitful branches (ranting-ranting),
It is impossible for people to grow spiritually without God's words.
Verse 4: This verse says and remind us that, wherever we are, whatever we do, be reminded of how God is with you! Talk to God constantly. (pray without ceasing.)
DO NOT dwell in performing or doing church activities alone! But remain in Him so that you may grow from the inside out. It is essential to have an intimate relationship with God in order to grow spiritually in Him. Thus, being born-again is important for believers. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. 
Ok, lets read it again... Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8) 
Let this scripture sinks into our spirit and be amazed by how God work when we draw near to Him. :)
If we do not have a close relationship with God, we will experience boredom in life. We need to do something about it (e.g. pray), not God. It is US who follow God, not God who follow us. 
When we are fruitful, we are giving glory to God! 

Personal thought: 
As i end this post, my simple prayer would be that none of us be astrayed from the ONE truth that sets us free. I pray that although many of us come from different backgrounds, let's stay united in prayer. Let's focus on what unite us. I just feel that the clock is ticking quite sooner than we thought 'till Jesus' second coming. It has been going on in my mind for some time now so i might as well share this here. I feel that there is seriously no time to waste. This year is Jubilee Year for Malaysia, as we all know. Last year's at Malaysia Day Celebration in Holy Seal City Mall, God's message has been: "Consecrate yourself." Amen.

Be blessed! ^^

Monday, January 2

Goodbye old year. Welcome new year.

Farewell 2011. Many things happened last year. Tears and laughters. Ups and downs. And it feels like time is passing by too fast. Had a pleasant time with the family lastnight while waiting for new year. Just the four of us. We didn't really do anything. Just watching the fireworks that are happening around our "kampung". It was magnificent. (I was actually looking and picking which one is my fave firework.)
I ended 2011 and opening 2012 with prayers. That God may be lifted up higher and higher in my life.
As I was thinking back of ALL the things that happened during the whole year. It was a tough year indeed. I have learned a lot and lost a lot too. 2011 is like looking myself in the mirror and seeing what actually I looked like in real life. Its been a busy year as well. With studies to catch up, I've grown more adapted to the tension in compeleting my tasks. Still, there are a lot more to be learned, polished, improved and acquired.

So this is it. Welcome to the brand new year 2012.

There is something that the Holy Spirit has put in my heart about even before entering new year. And I felt it today, again, during church service. And it is called HUMILITY. I have no explanation to this. But somehow, I am strongly reminded about being humble in godly way, not human way alone. I am just moved to share this.  =) Clothe yourself with humility and put on a heart of a servant, filled with gratitude, kindness and love.

For anyone that accidentally or intentionally read this post, a very happy new year to all of u. May this year will NOT be a waste. May it be a memorable one, filled with joy, anticipation and love for God & for one another !

God bless.