Monday, January 30

Be reminded that...

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Humility & Fear of the Lord.

Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

The Way, the Truth & the Life.

Pray without ceasing.

Meditate on God's Words.

The Truth will set us free.

Watch and pray.

Be still and know that He is Lord.

Last but not least, 

Be prepared!

Keep your hands clean and your cloth white!

Wednesday, January 18

Final holiday...

I call it my final holiday since next semester would be the final sem I will be facing. (time flies so fast~!)
But still, this holiday I would be going quite often to the lab to finish off my lab work for my thesis.

Debbie is coming back from KL tomorrow! Yeah~ can't wait! Although we had some plans, I'm just not gonna focus on them. Normally when you plan a lot on something, it would normally not go as planned. So imma just keep it low and casual. But ya, I'm excited! haha..

This holiday I'm planning on NOT going out as often as the holiday before. Just feel like spending time more at home and have quality moments with the family... Coz when semester starts, it would be like - packed schedule and more things to focus on. And also I'll be starting my internship in July 'till September. (praying that I'll get the right place to intern ^^).

This year is exciting for me. I would describe this year as - Exciting, clear, but uncertain. Coz still, its a journey of faith. I know God is leading me and I'm gonna believe in Him. Amen. =)

So that's about it.

Be blessed!

Friday, January 13

T-camp Tambunan 2011

9-11 December
Venue: SIB Pekan, Tambunan.

Photo courtesy: Vievia Viavie

....... Since camp ended, I haven't got the REAL time to relax and just blog about the camp. Only "now", i got the time and chance to write this blog down. :) (This post is quite lengthy but anyway, happy + blessed reading!)

On the 9th, after my lab session finished around 4PM, we headed for Sis Ju's house before departing to Tambunan for the camp. I really THANK GOD that our lab finished sooner than what i'd expected. We reached there just in time for the night open service to start. The camp was great! I believe everyone was blessed and God has been so good all along the camp. A good place to stay, delicious food (the cook was really good! and i'm quite an eater.) and new sisters and brothers in Christ that I came to know too! I was having great flu a week before the camp and again, thank God, my flu was subsiding by the time camp start. 

Here's the things that we all learned (information) from the camp that motivates us to be who God wants us to be (transformation)... And as usual, imma write it in numbering form for easy reading. :)

1. What happen when Jesus is here? (Mark 2:1-12)
Because Jesus is here, we have the Word of God with us. We always receive His words. THAT is much more of a big deal than witnessing or experiencing miracles. Miracles are temporary while God's Word never ceases. Nothing can beat God' promise. 2011 years ago Jesus proclaimed the gospel and guess what? He's still doing it now! Why? Because HE is with us (Did someone just said Emanuel?)
So yes, God is with us. Question is, why is that sometimes we are acting like He is not with us?

Verse 3: It describes 4 friends who helped their sick friend to meet Jesus for healing. We, Christians, have to be like the 4 friends and NOT the other way round. Christians nowadays are focusing soooo much on people's or their friend's differences and not their needs of knowing Christ. (their religion backgrounds, which denominations, and the list goes on...) We shouldn't be doing that. Don't build barriers. Build bridges. Because the differences and other stuffs doesn't really matter since the most important thing is that, Jesus is there.

Two is better than one. There are many believers who are anti-social. They prefer the idea of being alone rather than mixing with people. Yet, in some cases, they like to see people who are active in church. For example, a young man who are anti-social likes to see active young ladies in church. They will grab such active people by hooking up with them or dating or etc. But not only this, they will ask the girl to be like them as well, who are anti-social. Another example, guy who is a believer but often finds himself angry or jealous or uncomfortable when seeing his partner being friendly or ministering actively. (the root for this example probably due to insecurity or possessive characteristic. So watch yourself out.) Furthermore, marriage shouldn't be with such a people. Both partners should be complementing each other, not canceling each other out. They should not be a stumbling block when it comes to ministry and even with your relationship with God.

Verse 5: This verse shows that when Jesus is there, the critics or religious people will also follow closely behind. Simply don't give up when you get offended because God is with us. The critics may be even from the church leaders. But don't be discouraged. Don't be too sensitive. In ministry, there must be people who's gonna bad-mouth about you. But don't worry, God is with us!

Verse 10: It says that Jesus has the authority to forgive our sins. 
When we are already forgiven, we will celebrate it with singing and dancing. People who don't express their joy (e.g. church service) don't feel that they are sinful enough to confess and think that they are not worthy enough to go to hell. Arrogance.
We believers sing and dance for Him. No other reason but Jesus. Many people spend a lot of $money$ to cleanse their sins (e.g. rituals, holy places/lands). But in the reality: Only Jesus can forgive us. If we always realize that we, the unworthy, are forgiven by God, we will always celebrate it!

2. True worship (Matthew 2)
True worshippers are not passive but active. The journey of the wise men to meet baby Jesus in Bethlehem takes about 2 years. These wise men came to find baby Jesus only to worship Him, because they know Jesus is the Messiah.Truw worship experience extraordinary experiences. True worshipper who worship in Spirit and in truth will not sit around and wait. He/she will be active, not spoon-fed.
Verse 2: The wise men were asking around about the birth of King of Jews until the whole Jerusalem knew about their question.

Change of the heart is essential in true worship. A true worshipper realise who he is. One who only knows God's words but doesn't execute them will only be deceiving himself, like the Pharisees.

3. God is love but love is not God (1 Kor 14:1-5)
A person filled with God's love always think about how he/she can give. A mature believer learns how to love and how to forgive. Believers who has spiritual strength (kekuatan rohani), is able to forgive eventhough they are persecuted even 'till death. True love is willing to take the first step of openess (keterbukaan) in order to forgive and to give. Learn to love, bless and pray for your parents. When we strive to learn and seek God's love, we will have the chance to bless people!

4. The vine and the branches (Yohanes 15:1-8)
Don't do things that doesn't bear any fruits (spiritually) or results. Every branches that bears no fruit will be cut off by God Himself.
There are 3 stages of growth: Fruitless --> Bears fruit --> Fruitful
There are a lot of people who are like accesories (anting-anting), not the fruitful branches (ranting-ranting),
It is impossible for people to grow spiritually without God's words.
Verse 4: This verse says and remind us that, wherever we are, whatever we do, be reminded of how God is with you! Talk to God constantly. (pray without ceasing.)
DO NOT dwell in performing or doing church activities alone! But remain in Him so that you may grow from the inside out. It is essential to have an intimate relationship with God in order to grow spiritually in Him. Thus, being born-again is important for believers. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. 
Ok, lets read it again... Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8) 
Let this scripture sinks into our spirit and be amazed by how God work when we draw near to Him. :)
If we do not have a close relationship with God, we will experience boredom in life. We need to do something about it (e.g. pray), not God. It is US who follow God, not God who follow us. 
When we are fruitful, we are giving glory to God! 

Personal thought: 
As i end this post, my simple prayer would be that none of us be astrayed from the ONE truth that sets us free. I pray that although many of us come from different backgrounds, let's stay united in prayer. Let's focus on what unite us. I just feel that the clock is ticking quite sooner than we thought 'till Jesus' second coming. It has been going on in my mind for some time now so i might as well share this here. I feel that there is seriously no time to waste. This year is Jubilee Year for Malaysia, as we all know. Last year's at Malaysia Day Celebration in Holy Seal City Mall, God's message has been: "Consecrate yourself." Amen.

Be blessed! ^^

Monday, January 2

Goodbye old year. Welcome new year.

Farewell 2011. Many things happened last year. Tears and laughters. Ups and downs. And it feels like time is passing by too fast. Had a pleasant time with the family lastnight while waiting for new year. Just the four of us. We didn't really do anything. Just watching the fireworks that are happening around our "kampung". It was magnificent. (I was actually looking and picking which one is my fave firework.)
I ended 2011 and opening 2012 with prayers. That God may be lifted up higher and higher in my life.
As I was thinking back of ALL the things that happened during the whole year. It was a tough year indeed. I have learned a lot and lost a lot too. 2011 is like looking myself in the mirror and seeing what actually I looked like in real life. Its been a busy year as well. With studies to catch up, I've grown more adapted to the tension in compeleting my tasks. Still, there are a lot more to be learned, polished, improved and acquired.

So this is it. Welcome to the brand new year 2012.

There is something that the Holy Spirit has put in my heart about even before entering new year. And I felt it today, again, during church service. And it is called HUMILITY. I have no explanation to this. But somehow, I am strongly reminded about being humble in godly way, not human way alone. I am just moved to share this.  =) Clothe yourself with humility and put on a heart of a servant, filled with gratitude, kindness and love.

For anyone that accidentally or intentionally read this post, a very happy new year to all of u. May this year will NOT be a waste. May it be a memorable one, filled with joy, anticipation and love for God & for one another !

God bless.