Friday, November 2

GB = Graduation + Birthday

Hello November! Nice to meet you. ^^ 
I know I'm totally late for an October post. But still, I wanna mention two highlights of what and how October went (in a nutshell). I will go briefly specifically.(i just tend to be a lengthy writer at times.)

1. Graduation.
   - 3 years of being a biotech undergraduate
   - Having the opportunity to officially graduate feels awesome. I couldn't believe how the years have passed    by so fast!
   - I love my family. =) I hope I made them proud.
How u spell Family = Father and mother, i love you. =)

2. Birthday
   - So, I haven't really decided how to celebrate my birthday this year actually. My parents decided to 'makan2' at home in conjunction of both success (age and scroll). A big one. I thought not many are coming but it turns out mannnyy. Families... And I'm so grateful to have most church members came that night. One family in Christ, indeed. =)
   - Later on,the night before the day, i went out with my high school besties. There were 5 of us (wish Gloria could join us!) and 3 of us planned a surprise for 2 of us (me & Geraldine). Our birthdays were just 3 days apart.. It was a lovely surprise in Bali Bali Garden. Thanks for the gift! ^^ The waitress came out with the cake after we are done with dinner. Along with the band singing a Happy Birthday song. I just didn't expect they would surprise me in such a public way. haha! 
From left: Ellie, Eca, Geraldine, me & Mel

Eca: my childhood friend, neighbour, teman satu bas skolah, teman main masak2 masa kici (masak Maggie sampai kering tu air. haha!), classmate, schoolmate, ketawa-mate and bestmate. 
Mel: pengawas yg nampak garang, classmate, schoolmate, gengkaras-mate and bestmate.
Ellie: teman seperjuangan di zaman kegemilangan/zaman keremajaan, fashionista (you really have to give me credit on this. haha), classmate, encouraging-mate and bestmate.
Geraldine: Pustakawan paling kiut time highschool, classmate, geng karas-mate, Uni mate (We graduated in UMS at the same time) and bestmate.
Thank you so much! Words can't describe it. And sometimes my actions may not describe it too. But I truly am blessed to have you girls! *groupie hugs* =)
   - One church leader happened to be there with his family at that time. So I cut some cakes for them as well. He is also watching the whole surprise thingy going on. Hohohoh.. 
   - So anyway, after that my friends dared me to sing on stage with the band. I thought of it lightly at first but then thought, Why Not? So I did. As an appreciation of what they have done, I sang LOVE by Frank Sinatra. The band was awesome. We had great time. ^^ We hit Party Play later on for desserts (choc fondant! #yumness)
   - On the night of the real day, I went out with my Uni friends. There, again, I had a second surprise! I thought there was no cake or whatsoever, since we did a surprise a week ago for Sue. When I first arrived at the scene, they were singing me birthday song, so i thought there might be a cake prepared. But there isn't any! Then Acho pulled out his SG Tab and open a candle application. Yessss...that's what you thought it is. I am supposed to blow a digital candle. How impressive is that? XD It did blowed out like a normal candle though. Without the heat and smoke, of course. haha! 
   -While we were talking and chit chatting as we wait for our meals, Acho and Sue came with this cake that came out from nowhere (well, actually, its from my left side XD) and they were singing birthday song to me again (for the second time of the night!)
   -  I laughed my heart out that night. Thanks for the humor. I love the big orange card without pictures on it! Especially the music notes. Pretty! =)
(left) me, Sue, Acho - (right) Mc, Annas, Kenny

Oyoe was the funniest that night without even intending to be funny. Owh! Dan photographer berjaya! Ko break record gambar2 yg diambil sebelum ini. XD
Kenny, as always, the organizer and main planner. (After all, we were partner in crime a week ago. hehe..)
Annas, the cheerful one. Always with the smile and gentleness. tapi beware...garagas mati kopio oi.. :p hehe..
Sue, ko la paling macam Mama2 tapi paling innocent. Tapi, ko juga la partner in crime ni kali. haha. 
Acho, thank you sebab susah2 bwa tu kek dri kadai. haha. And also sbab jaga kawan sia bagus2..hehehe.. 
Mc, thank you sbab sudi turun n celebrate with us!  X sia2 ko dtg, byk mknan dan hiburan yg menyenangkan hati. hohoho.. Plus, jumpa teman sebangsa ko lagi tu (trus kami jadi blur =.=")!

In a nutshell, Thank you, uri chinggu ya! Posting this post is what I can do to show my gratitude (again!). 
God bless y'all! My sincere prayer is that let the friendship sustain through eternity! =)

Be blessed,