Wednesday, June 17

One of the best feelings

Dad went to Europe for two weeks earlier this month and sometimes he send us updates, pictures and even videos. Things were fine and smooth here and also there but still, I found myself missing him a bit. When the earthquake struck weeks ago, one of the first batch of people I informed was my dad and mom and of course, Gan (as he was in KL at that time). I wanted dad to know how we are doing and not to worry much. The first thing in my mind was to eliminate any worries for him (also for them).

Mannn. The earthquake was unbelievable to me. I never ever thought it would hit this land (since its not apart of the ring of fire and stuffs like that). That morning was one of the mornings I would remember well. I was in a deep sleep when suddenly, the house walls begin to move back and forth, shaking steadily strong. I literally jumped out of bed as I know it was not a dream (not that I ever had an earthquake in a dream before). I heard a shout from the kitchen and the next thing I know, I was outside the house, watching for any possible danger. Praise God, it was a brief quake.

And of course, on that day itself, everyone in Sabah (And I'd like to believe, Malaysia) mourns for the deaths of some courageous mountain guides and climbers due to the quake. It was a brief quake for me, but, it was brief and powerful enough to take lives of some people. I cried when I heard of the loss of these dear people although I didn't know any of them. Especially the mountain guides. 

p.s. - Looking forward for the charity concert dedicated to the mountain guides this weekend. Sales from the tickets will all go the MG right away (and this can be assured as the charity concert was a joint effort of various local artists and they willingly organised this without getting any payment! Salute!) Always wanted to contribute something for them, apart from prayers. You can come and join too!

As we waited for dad's arrival, we found out that his flight has been delayed and hence, he will only arrive two days later than we expected.

I never knew this before but, one of the best feelings was when Dad came home safely. Couldn't help but to hug him. There was such a relief at that point of time. More than getting the souvenirs from him, I treasure his presence more. 

I guess that's how it is when we are with our heavenly Father. When we feel his tangible presence, deep and loving enough to make us feel whole, secure and full of joy. No words are needed. Just His presence alone.


Friday, June 5


I'm done. Wow. Have you ever finished a task and you feel like giving yourself a pat at the back? I feel exactly like that now. I never imagined it would be that tough of a task.

Translating a book is not the same as translating songs or speeches or writing a book. This takes more understanding of the subject, terminology and oh, the difference in language. I mean, there's absolutely no way I can literally translate an English saying into Bahasa Malaysia! (it sounds funny and comical)
Yet, as tiring as it could get, I'm glad I took this challenge. It taught me a lot (and I personally think I was meant to read the book as well while translating).

All in all, I've basically read the whole book twice!
One for translating and another round of reading for editing.
Even editing is not easy . . .
But this book is very good! So good that I had to google about the author Jim Rohn. And his mentor.
And the people that were impacted by his mentor.
Although its a book for business success, there were moments while doing the translation I thought I was reading a Christian book. The principles in it are Biblical and sound.

Another thing I learned is  to appreciate books better.
As much as we are in the high-tech era now, old fashioned books are still the in-thing to read from!

Till then, adios~

Saturday, May 16

Taking a step forward.

Health is a crucial part of our human life.

Nowadays, I love drinking detox water. Mint and lemon is my favorite combination. They say watermelon, lemon and mint is also very good.
I can feel my digestive system getting healthier and healthier. (literally.)
But exercise is needed too. No matter how much detox water I drank, its not gonna get me anywhere near to good health if I don't watch my food intake.

Taking a step forward is a decision. How do I relate detox-things with this?

We can always be comfortable once we are in our comfort zone (detox water), however, we are not really dealing with the real issue (need of exercise).

At times, we think are we are doing things right.

But it occurred to me that doing the right things, doesn't make us right, if its not REALLY the right thing (even if we think its the right thing).
We human love to justify our actions. You can call it human nature.
Writing this post, I simply just want to share, remind myself & share it with everyone that- 
In our journey, taking a step forward in faith and obedience brings us a step up to maturity. (despite people may or may not agree with you.) [and its a personal thing anyway, so, look up and see God smiling down on you as you listen and obey.]

Let us inclined our ears closer to Him and obey.


Sunday, February 22

Beauty in brokenness

Humans are wired by God in such a way, that longs for completeness, stability and peace.

Almost all humans also long to be in control of what they want to have control of.

Thus, they consciously (and unconsciously) build walls of comfort around them. Environments they choose, friends they choose, materials, and even maintaining desired status quo. All these things become their wall of fortress. Anything less than these means incompleteness. Anything less than these means "no peace". 

Brokenness is seen as a weakness. Fragility is not an option. Ouch.

For the past few weeks, God reminded me gently that brokenness is not a weakness. Because when we realize that we need to be fixed, its the very thing that draw us closer to God. God sees the beauty of brokenness. King David was broken many times, over and over again, through betrayal, hatred, threats, sin of his own, family matters, etc. Yet each time he was broken, he never fail coming to God. Just pouring out his heart to Him. One to one. No veil between them. 

Is the brokenness real? Yes.

Is it serious? Yes.

Is there sadness? Of course.

But do you notice? He was being honest to God in his brokenness.

God highly honors honest people. Because honesty is truthfulness. Honesty allows you to know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). It could be painful; it could be not. But it will set you free. King David was set free after he was broken many times.

You may be someone who could memorize the whole Bible. You could be present in all church services. You could be a leader that people look up to. You could be just a backstage crew. It doesn't matter. If there is not honesty between you and God, God couldn't really work 100% in you.

God is a personal God. If He was serious enough to send Jesus to die for us on the cross, then we should be serious and honest enough to talk to Him and to see Him as our Father and Friend and King.

Personally, how amazing and comforting it is to know that we could be honest with Him! Just like friends. Even better. Abraham had a really close relationship with Him that He even negotiated with God! Now that's confidence, brotha ;)

Gently, slowly, God reminded me that even in brokenness, remember to always be honest with Him. No matter what. That's an important key to a healthy relationship (any relationship, really). Then, you'll gain confidence to enter into a more intimate, better relationship with Him.

In a new light, brokenness is beautiful

The beauty in brokenness prevails when there is an active, honest communication with Him and He personally took it away for a fix, while deepening your relationship with Him in the whole process.

Thursday, January 1

Day 1 out of 365 days of 2015

Last night was one of the most relaxing, calming New Year countdown ever. In fact, we didn't even do the countdown. We were just talking and enjoy each other's presence when we heard fireworks after fireworks. That's when we realized its 2015!! Being with family is, indeed, one of the best places you could be on earth. Especially during New Year's eve. Waking up on the first day of the year is a struggle. Partly, well, because I'm sure everyone sleep late.

Well, at last, dear 2015, you are here. I almost felt like butterfly thinking about entering a whole new year. Butterfly means excited as well as anxious and anticipating something. I jokingly told my mom that I'm gonna be a quarter life this year and I somehow feel 'old'. I guess its true then, enjoy and appreciate life especially when you are younger and active. Make the most out of it. Just like what was written in 1 Timothy 4:12. ;)

As I ponder upon the end of 2014, its also quite tragic with the floods in West Malaysia and crashed plane few days after Christmas. As we enter into this year with laughter and warm wishes from dear friends and family, my heart goes out to those who are crying and grieving as they enter into a New Year without their loved ones. For some people, its going to be an exciting year but, to some people it may be challenging.

Look up. Sun is still shining. Birds are still chirping. We are still breathing. Every day counts in God's eyes. So make it count. He is the One who allow us to enter this new year, new season.

Thank You for bringing us into a New Year, Lord.
