Friday, April 13

So here's what's going on.

Hola! Greetings from my laptop. haha. Anyhow, here's my toy story (nope, i mean my story). Ok, scratch that, its the coffee effect.

Last saturday Salley, Putri, Mere and I went for a trip to KL. It was my 1st time traveling far with friends and without my parents. We all had fun and i would surely remember it as one of my best trips ever. :D

Apart from shopping, window shopping, etc... I also had a chance to meet up and dine with friends during Tcamp and also met Debbie! Gah, i miss her a lottt.. Too bad her sem break almost ended when I came there. So we didn't have much time to have "that" talk. Not gossiping, of course (if that's what u're thinking!). It was almost 3 hours past midnight when Lyd and Deb picked me up at KL sentral and i really appreciate it! *Thanks* ^^ I went to church together with Deb during Easter and met her friends as well. What can I say, they are all warm and welcoming... :) Lyd, Hannah, Phil, Jun, Adrian... its nice meeting u guys! It was also there and then that I first knew that Briyani rice was an Indian cuisine. (i know..i know.. but at least now i know.. hah.)

Me, Deb & Jun

Us and Rex

After staying with Debbie, I joined my friends the next day. We went 'kai2' ['jalan2' in colloquial Chinese language] around Bukit Bintang and also walked to KLCC. We had fun at Aquaria and even had ourselves a non-permanent tattoo on our back (it only stays there for like, 3 days). A lot and a lot of taking pictures as well! #SStime On the final night we stayed in Shah Alam and I got a chance of having a tour around (yes, I mean 'around'...) Shah Alam. Thanks to Abigail and Ps. Perry for the hospitality! I will definitely NOT forgot the U-turn that cost RM10 (WHAT???). Sabah doesn't have such a thing. Hehehe... But anyway, S.A. is far more spacious and serene (a lil' bit la..) compared to KL. :) We went to Sunway on the last day and bought few more things and heads off to the airport. #bye2KL

*Fast forward*

Today (after the trip) is one of the days where I could get up late and relax while spend time at home. It feels good you know... especially when there are many things happening around you and you finally got a time to just rest and have most time at home (in a day!). Around evening, I went to campus (lab, to be specific) and ferment some microbes for tomorrow's lab work. I picked up mom from her workplace and we went for Bakuteh in Kepayan. I normally do not like to go restaurant that I'm not familiar with (especially when u're hungry) but we decided to try it out. It tastes OK la.. We had our mom and daughter talk (and yes, that includes relationship, thank u...). She was so funny when we talk about the future. I doubt if I would marry if i were to follow her standards (OK, hahaha.). Yet it does feels good when you talk such a matter especially with ur mom. :) #MomKnowsBest

Proudest moment of today: Paying the bill for our Bakuteh. ^^

Well, that's about it. Although its a bit lame but I'm still gonna say it... Peace out~

Saturday, April 7

New hair color.

Decided to put on a new colour from Liese (Correct pronunciation: Lee -Sé). The color is "sweet pink", as you can see from the box. But it doesn't turns out to be pink, as you can see in the photo.

Elda, Me & the new colour and Phoebe :)

Blessed Good Friday!

You know Good Friday doesn't mean that friday is good, right? Here I am, after a long time of silence in this blog, just wanna share about what God's goodness. Not only on friday, but everyday...

Busyness. its a word not all people likes. I am one of them. But like it or not, I am bound to finish my lab work ASAP. So, the night before friday i went to lab and work there overnight. As i was driving to campus that evening, I was talking to God casually, speaking in tongue and just talk, in other words - pray. I was reflecting on what He has done on the cross 2012 years back. As i was praying, i realized how much i miss Him. thinking back, my life had been so busy. I truly misses Him.

When i finished my work in lab at 7AM (Yes, a sleepless night indeed), i went home and had only a nap. Then, we went to church for Good Friday service at 10AM. We are all fasting and praying on that day. In the beginning, i wasn't feeling that sleepy. But when it comes to afternoon, it seems almost automatically that my eyes shuts down itself. It was after a testimony that i felt my spirit began to stir slowly. Pastor realized many people are sleepy during that time and she said Do not sleep but try to activate your spirit! I was very sleepy at that moment. Very2 sleepy. I try to ignore my tiredness but i just couldn't help it. But slowly, one at a time, my spirit was being stirred without me realizing it. When we worship that afternoon, i remember myself just giving thanks for Jesus' blood. But as i keep on repeating and giving thanks, something took over me. I felt its as if my SOUL is giving thanks to Him in a great manner. I was overwhelmed! I quickly took a tambourine and began to shake it. As we go more into the worship atmosphere, very quickly, my sleepiness seemed to subside for the time being and i felt my innerman craving for more and more of Him. God is awesome!!

That is why I am a strong believer in God Almighty. (Okay now she's preaching u might say but can u help it if u're in looove with someone? U must tell ur friends or wait, tell the world, right? Now same to this case of mine.) As problems come and as people come and go, guess what, God is faithful. It is just His nature and nothing can beat that. Not even a boyfriend or a husband or a bestfriend. How i wish people could realize that and began to see Him through the problems. God is awesome. What I experienced yesterday only brought me closer to Him.

I hope what I'm sharing here is clear. When my sleepiness was stronger than my desire to worship Him that afternoon, I slowly come to Him JUST AS I AM. As i give thanks to Him, I was only speaking it out but my mind still in a state of exhaustion. However, when i press on (Yes, press on), something happened. My mind and thoughts were brought to captives to the mind of Christ! And as evening comes, I was soaked with gratitude. The cross. His blood. His love for us all. :)

God bless and be blessed!