Monday, May 13

God is still in control.

Life in Subang. Its 2 weeks more to go and we welcomed our new housemate Jacquelina! She decided to move in with us due to the long distance from her place. Things are going well here. Everyone is quite busy and handful with the practices and preparation for the graduation next week. Lessons are getting more interesting and intense. I can't be grateful enough for everything that God has done for all these times. Helped me a lot to think and see things through different perspectives. Today we learned about the book of Amos. Talks about the injustice of the heathen and non-heathen nations and God's judgement over them. 

Moving on......

GE13. Recently there's a lot of buzz about the nation's 13th general election. Be it before, during or after. Being a first time voter, I am really proud to be able to cast my vote. It is an exciting moment and unforgettable moment. Among our line on the polling day are all the young voters as well. The atmosphere that day was, of course, very HOT, but its quite exciting! Waiting the result at night was exciting as well. Opened all sources of information (that is, honest information). It was a long night that I literally fell sleep while waiting. Waking up in the middle of the night, the result was already out by then. Well, we all know it. I shall not write it down again as it was all around Facebook and Twitter and ETC.. I could post a long essay on GE13 but I would hold it until here. 

No matter what, God is still in control!
And its just amazing when you pause and ponder, that God is omniscient. That means He knows what is to come. Lets keep praying and rise up for the kingdom of God is near!
