Friday, September 28

Doaku (A song for the nation)

DOAKU (Original singer: Ariffin G.)

Ku datang padaMu
Sujud dihadapanMu
Betapa kurindu
Diam dihadiratMu

Kau yang mulia
Datang ditempat ini
Penuhi setiap jiwa
Yang rindu jamahanMu

Ini doaku untuk neg'riku
Pulihkanlah, kembalikan pada kami
Ku berlutut dihadapanMu
Pulihkanlah bangsa kami
Saat ini

Ku menyembah, Nama Yesus
Bertaktahlah disini Kaulah Raja

p.s.- Sorry klu sound x brapa clear ya...  :)

Be blessed, sis! :)

Friday, September 21

What's next? a question I've been questioning God since.

"Wait on Him. Wait on His voice."

Its been a pretty amazing days, these past few days, I felt the fear of the Lord is awakening like never before. Never had I felt so scared with what's coming. We had couple of prayer meetings few days back and I remember just crying out and prayer in tears. You know why? Here is what I'm about to share. 

While listening to Pastors's message in church, one of the intercessors hand me over the programme book for 16Sept'12 morning service. Yes, the one with Eagle and Lion on the cover. She said to me "Keep this. 50 years later we won't be able to witness this anymore." Of course, she said it casually. I laughed lightly as well. But something strikes within me deeply. I don't know what is it. I was just fearful. How is it gonna be 50 years later? Its a long way to go but that's what I was thinking at that moment. 

The next thing I knew, the burden came from IDontKnowWhere. I was crying out for the younger generations. How many out there are God fearing? I don't know. But I'm positive there is! 

My fear is that we're gonna burn passionately but only for some time and then the disease of being lukewarm will come and infect us. 
My fear is that we'll lose our patience in the process of waiting on God's voice and act on our own. Too many of 'actions' but less of 'praying'.

I committed everything to the LORD. No matter what people might say, let Him lead the way and just follow Him, shall we?
Prophet Jeremiah was spreading God's word to the people, but they don't listen.
A list of prophets came after that and not all hear them out and obey. There is a 400 years of silence before the times New testament starts. Not even one prophet. There must be a reason for that. Let's set our focus right, made right with God and start to care for the younger generations.

Let's pray for the strength to be patient and wait upon the LORD.
Let's keep on praying and crying out for the younger generations, the current generation, the body of Christ, the country, more revelation from above and let's walk hand in hand until we experience breakthrough and beyond, that reaches to the ends of this earth!

Be blessed!

A day to bless Malaysia!

Last sunday, 16 September 2012, the whole body of Christ in KK and beyond witnessed and celebrated Malaysia Day together in two big, significant venues - Padang Merdeka & Stadium Likas.
Different venues with the same purpose - A day to bless Malaysia! =)

The morning service starts at 8AM in Padang M.
The praise & worship team, all dressed in their respective traditional attires, led the congregation into deep worship. A very meaningful, solemn morning service I would say. Because exactly 8AM, 49 years ago (16 September 1963), a very meaningful, solemn event has taken place in the same venue.
It was a very touching moment when Pastor Jerry prayed for the land and ask God for forgiveness for our past leaders. I thought I was the only one who got emotional on that. It turns out most of the others felt the same thing! And with so many young people who came and join together in prayer, worship and sitting under the hot burning sun was delightful as well. We even took the Lord's supper together at the end of the service! 
Watching the native leaders to take the lead and made strong, firm declarations of God's words upon the land and the people (everyone!) moved me into thinking - "This is gonna be historical. And we're all watching history in the making." 

Heaven watched. Angels watched. It was awesome! 

(Photos courtesy of IterDesly)
(Photo courtesy of Pastor Halbert)

The evening celebration was joyful and awesome as well! Energetic and passionate worship team. Tambouriners. Banner bearers. Flag bearers. Drummers. Shofarers. God is moving people!!
We had a scary weather the night before and we had some disturbances technically. But praise God! He is able to do all things! We had a great night of celebration and fireworks. =)
Witnessing different churches joining in together is simply amazing...! 

Over 10,000 people came. And I'm sure everyone is blessed to be a blessing.
All glory to God. Forever and ever. Amen.

At Stadium Likas
(Photo courtesy of SN)

Ian & Elda

The wedding ceremony has taken place in Maranatha church more than a week ago.
I hadn't got the time to blog about this up 'till now and here I go about their BIG day!

Congratulation to Mr and Mrs Ian & Elda on their wedding day (8sept2012) !!
I am sincerely happy for you guys. ^^
I've known her since forever. She's one of my closest cousin, sister and bestfriend. We shared things together, stories, secrets, food (it depends), accessories, clothing (erm no, not really), car (i drove hers and she, well, don't drive mine. hehe!) and etc. I love going to her house and play when we were small. She was the quiet type during those times but playful as well (remember Datuk Harimau??;)). I recall back when I was celebrating my birthday in my house, she had this really really short hair and skinny back then!

All the ups and downs, tears and laughters... 
It has been a long way down the memory lane.
Now she's married! To Ian the man! =)
I have to say that their wedding is the best wedding I've ever witnessed. I was already tearing up when she was handed over. I guess I was very happy for her. 
I love the ceremony. I love the atmosphere. I love the meaningful vows they've spoken to one another. Its like, heaven stopped, and everyone is watching them. I know God has blessed them. =)
And the wedding is exactly like how I imagined a wedding should be. 
Schoolmates. Now turned husband and wife. Talking about destiny huh. ;)
Here goes the pictures. (Courtesy of Jofanna Bridal.)

Congratulation again guys!
