Sunday, February 22

Beauty in brokenness

Humans are wired by God in such a way, that longs for completeness, stability and peace.

Almost all humans also long to be in control of what they want to have control of.

Thus, they consciously (and unconsciously) build walls of comfort around them. Environments they choose, friends they choose, materials, and even maintaining desired status quo. All these things become their wall of fortress. Anything less than these means incompleteness. Anything less than these means "no peace". 

Brokenness is seen as a weakness. Fragility is not an option. Ouch.

For the past few weeks, God reminded me gently that brokenness is not a weakness. Because when we realize that we need to be fixed, its the very thing that draw us closer to God. God sees the beauty of brokenness. King David was broken many times, over and over again, through betrayal, hatred, threats, sin of his own, family matters, etc. Yet each time he was broken, he never fail coming to God. Just pouring out his heart to Him. One to one. No veil between them. 

Is the brokenness real? Yes.

Is it serious? Yes.

Is there sadness? Of course.

But do you notice? He was being honest to God in his brokenness.

God highly honors honest people. Because honesty is truthfulness. Honesty allows you to know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). It could be painful; it could be not. But it will set you free. King David was set free after he was broken many times.

You may be someone who could memorize the whole Bible. You could be present in all church services. You could be a leader that people look up to. You could be just a backstage crew. It doesn't matter. If there is not honesty between you and God, God couldn't really work 100% in you.

God is a personal God. If He was serious enough to send Jesus to die for us on the cross, then we should be serious and honest enough to talk to Him and to see Him as our Father and Friend and King.

Personally, how amazing and comforting it is to know that we could be honest with Him! Just like friends. Even better. Abraham had a really close relationship with Him that He even negotiated with God! Now that's confidence, brotha ;)

Gently, slowly, God reminded me that even in brokenness, remember to always be honest with Him. No matter what. That's an important key to a healthy relationship (any relationship, really). Then, you'll gain confidence to enter into a more intimate, better relationship with Him.

In a new light, brokenness is beautiful

The beauty in brokenness prevails when there is an active, honest communication with Him and He personally took it away for a fix, while deepening your relationship with Him in the whole process.